Onyinye Chukwunyerenwa
LL.B, BL, MA, Dip.Crim. & Forensic Psy.,
Best Seller Author
Ms. Onyinye Chukwunyerenwa, a Canadian resident, received her legal education in Nigeria where she was called to the Bar, in 2001. Her legal experience includes but is not limited to serving as a Legal Officer in the office of The Presidency on Boundary Adjustments, appearances in several Federal High Courts as well as Nigeria SupremeCourt. She later joined a private law firm in Abuja where she practiced criminal and corporate law.
In 2010, Ms. Chukwunyerenwa, obtained a Master of Arts degree in Human Resource Management from Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom. Her passion for investigations and criminology led to training in Criminology and Forensic Psychology. Currently, she is a Commissioner for Oaths in Alberta, Canada and a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant in good standing.
With more than 15yrs experience in training, administration, mentoring/coaching, consulting, and motivational speaking, Ms. Chukwunyerenwa is a strong Advocate for prevention of Child Sexual Abuse, through education and awareness campaigns. She has spoken on such cases as well as authored/initiated policies to combat such acts in Africa, Ireland and Canada.
Community service experience includes volunteering and helping new immigrants to Canada settle into their new country. She is CEO of Cedar Immigration & Consultancy Services Inc., Canada. A member in good standing of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), International Bar Association (IBA); Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of Alberta Association (CPHR); Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC); Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC), etc.
Ms. Chukwunyerenwa is married with children. Her husband is a renowned Orthopaedi Surgeon, who travels worldwide performing complex and delicate services in deserving and impoverished countries, in addition to working in reputed Canadian hospitals.